National Honor Society
The National Honor Society (NHS) is the nation's premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. It is a great honor to be a member of the NHS and membership in the society is looked upon highly in the college application process. Membership also comes with other benefits, the greatest of these being college scholarship opportunities.
Selection Process
The following is a summary of the process used by the Faculty Council of the Jupiter Christian School Chapter of the National Honors Society for the selection of students for membership.
Academic Eligibility
The NHS Adviser will obtain a listing of the sophomore, junior and senior candidates meeting the cumulative GPA prerequisite of 3.75. The NHS Adviser will contact all JCS high school teachers giving them the list of applicants. Teachers will have the opportunity to respond to the NHS Adviser with any concerns about any of the applicants.
Candidate Notification
Once a student has been determined to be academically eligible, they will be notified of his or her candidacy by the NHS Adviser. Academic eligibility does not guarantee election to the National Honor Society. Candidates will then compose a personal resume that reflects the four pillars, Character, Scholarship, Leadership and Service of the NHS. Candidates will also obtain 5 signatures of recommendation from non-family sources such as teachers, coaches, youth group leaders, etc.
The resumes, recommendations, and faculty evaluations will then be reviewed by the Faculty Advisory Council, which consists of five voting Upper School faculty members appointed by the Upper School Principal. The Council will assess each candidate in regard to their scholarship, service, leadership, and character. The selection of each member to the Jupiter Christian School Chapter of the National Honor Society shall be by a majority vote of the Faculty Advisory Council. A full list of selected and non-selected students as well as reasons for selection or non-selection will be submitted to the principal for final approval.
Notification of Selected Members
Selected candidates and their parents will be formally notified of their selection. Information on the time and date of induction will also be provided in this notification.
Verification and induction
Selected students will be verified and inducted into the National Honor Society at a formal induction ceremony that will be open to the school as well as friends and family. Upon induction, the full benefits of being a member of the National Honor Society will be bestowed upon inducted members. Any active NHS members transferring to JCS should notify the Chapter Adviser in order to continue their membership in NHS through the Jupiter Christian School Chapter. Members are expected to maintain and grow in their standards of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. A member who falls short of the expected standards in any of these four areas will be subject to discipline with the potential of dismissal from the NHS.