Athletic Department FAQs
Read through the information below for answers to frequently asked questions and information on troubleshooting eligibility issues.
Who can complete a Clearance for Spring Football?
Spring Football is open to 8th-11th grade boys and will be during the month of May. A clearance must be submitted prior to participating.
I submitted forms last year, do I need to do it again?
Yes, Athletic Eligibility needs to be submitted for each school year. The Sports Physical is good for 365 days - it's the only part that is not school-year based.
My student would like to participate in two sports in the same season. Can they?
No. Students are permitted to participate in 1 sport a season. For the list of which sports are offered when, please go to page 3 of the Student-Athlete Handbook.
My student did the 3 NFHS Courses last year, do they have to do it again?
Yes. Each student-athlete must complete the required NFHS courses yearly. The completion certificates are uploaded to Athletic Clearance. But, if the student has completed the NFHS Courses since March 1, 2024, they will be good for the 2024-25 school year.
How do I know if I completed everything in Athletic Clearance?
Once everything is completed and uploaded, the Athletic Department will review the clearance. If there is something missing, it will be denied and you will receive an email with an explanation. If it is complete, the student will be CLEARED. You can login to Athletic Clearance and see the Pending, Denied or Cleared status.
Can I drop off the sport's physical and other forms?
No, we are not accepting paper copies of the forms. All forms must be uploaded to Athletic Clearance.
Where can I find information on JCS Athletics?
The easiest way to view coaching staff, schedules, forms and news articles is to go directly to:
Additional ways: Blackbaud Portal Resources page or the JCS App.
My student-athlete would like to participate in Summer Conditioning. What paperwork is needed?
All Athletic Eligibility must be completed, uploaded to Athletic Clearance and CLEARED by the Athletic Department prior to participation. Make sure to complete a Clearance for Summer Conditioning along with the sports they will be trying out for.
If you have specific questions or run into any issues, please email Perry Morris: