College Initiatives and Events
College Search
The college search process is both an exciting and challenging time for all students. JCS encourages students to visit campuses, research colleges virtually, engage with counselors, speak with college representatives, and identify a list of schools they plan to pursue for admission. Naviance is our online platform used to assist in the college research and application process.
College Representatives
Throughout the school year, many college and university representatives come and speak with Jupiter Christian students regarding their college or university. This is a great opportunity for students to connect first-hand with admission counselors to learn about requirements, majors, scholarships, and the college experience unique to each school. Please contact the Student Services Office to find out which colleges are scheduled to visit JCS this fall.
College Tour
The College Tour is a planned and chaperoned trip attended by the sophomore class during REACH Week each year. The sophomore class has the opportunity to visit multiple different college and university campuses throughout the state. This tour allows students to see the difference between state, private and Christian universities across Florida to help students identify which type of environment may suit them best.
Financial Aid Seminar & Admissions Panel
Each year, the Guidance office at Jupiter Christian hosts a Financial Aid representative from a local university to share vital information on paying for college. Topics addressed include the FAFSA and information on federal aid, scholarships and grants available in the state of Florida, potential institutional aid commonly offered directly to families from universities, along with outside scholarships and endowments students can apply to receive. Additionally, the Guidance Office hosts an Admissions Panel featuring a diverse range of colleges providing insight into the application process delivered directly to our families by the experts.
NCAA Seminar
The Guidance Office and Athletic Department co-facilitate a conversation with a college athletic officer (most recently from Yale University) to shed light on the athletic recruiting process through a conversation on how to approach academics, eligibility and recognizing the “best fit” for potential recruitment.
*This seminar is not offered on an annual basis
NACCAP College Fair
Guidance partners with NACCAP (North American Coalition for Christian Admissions Professionals) to host a Christian College fair at JCS each spring. Approximately 30 college representatives arrive on campus to engage with JCS students and community members to answer questions and offer insight into the enrollment process at their respective university.
Junior Seminar
In the spring, the Guidance Department arranges for college preparatory sessions for all JCS juniors. This time allows for college planning, brainstorming and researching as students prepare to begin applications in the summer leading up to their senior year. Sessions have included resume building, testing prep strategies, essay writing, Naviance training and a college application overview addressing the Common Application, SSAR, FAFSA, sending test scores, recommendation letters and more.
College Application Workshops
The Guidance Office provides supportive workshops to JCS seniors as they work on their college applications in real time. Whether students are completing their Common Application, updating their Naviance account, SSAR, or signing up for testing, this time has proven to be helpful for students to face the daunting process of applying to colleges with support from peers and their college counselor.